Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Page 63!

All right, so after a far-too-long absence, we're up and running with new pages again! The reason for the delays, as previously stated, was that I was preparing honest-to-goodness PRINT versions of SLAM-A-RAMA #1 and 2 for this weekend's Halifax Pop Explosion 'Zine Fair, as well as a compilation of my early-2000s minicomic, SCENESTER (check out some preview pages here and here). If you're in town this Saturday, come on by and buy some comics from me! If you can't make it, they'll be available at all three Strange Adventures locations as well. So yeah, we're back on a twice-weekly schedule for new pages here, let's see how long I can maintain it! I may take a hiatus between what constitutes issues 3 and 4, but I hope it won't be as long as this one was.

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